Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Intro: As Jesus begins His public life, the links with the Christmas season we have just celebrated are clear: in the words of Isaiah, He is the light of the Nations, who will bring God's salvation to the ends of the earth. The same Lord has chosen you and me to be His helpers, His instruments of salvation in our modem world. Put simply, to be His beloved sons and daughters.
Readings: Isaiah proclaims that God's mysterious Servant will not only restore the tribes of Israel, but will also be a light to all nations as He brings salvation to the ends of the earth.
Paul begins his letter to the church he had founded in Corinth with a proclamation of his appointment by God. He reminds them of their vocation, their calling to holiness and prayer.
Isaiah 49: 3, 5 - 6;
1 Corinthians 1: 1 - 3;
John 1: 29 - 34;
All today's readings make it clear that Jesus' message is for the entire world, universal. He fulfils Isaiah's prophecy in the first reading; while St. Paul insists in the second that the church which gathers in Corinth isn't simply a local church, but linked globally to what he calls "all the saints everywhere."
Finally, the Baptist witnesses and heralds Jesus in the Gospel, not just as someone who forgives the sins of his own disciples, but the Lamb of God, who "takes away the sins of the world," offering salvation, not only to the Chosen People, but to all. Jesus is the One, chosen by the Father.
God chooses us in baptism, when His Holy Spirit comes down upon us. So what's our role? What does God expect of us .. what does He want us to do? Exactly the same as He did: to be apostles, lights to all nations, messengers helping to bring the message of salvation to the ends of the earth.
At first sight, that might seem a bit daunting. And that's maybe why we, like Isaiah and other prophets, try to unload the task on to others whom we perceive as better trained or better prepared.
But God has a unique task for each and every one of us. The challenge for us is how to receive it with open hearts, and what we do with it in our lives. Our call is to communicate His presence in our world, wit- ness to that presence by the way we live, by how we react to others, by how we bring up our families, by how we respect our parents, how we treat those around us, by how we respect our world's resources.
So don't feel left out. Your values, your conduct, your respect mirror what God has chosen you to do for Him - to be His disciple, His carrier of the Good News of love and salvation for all. You and I too, are His beloved sons and daughters!
We now turn to our Father in Heaven to place all our needs before Him:-
I. For the universal Church. May She be a light of salvation for all nations, and continue to witness to the truth of Your Son's message by proclaiming it with confidence and humility - Lord, hear us.
2. For those who rule and govern nations. May Your Holy Spirit enlighten and guide them wisely and justly to promote reconciliation and peace amid tensions and conflict, particularly over land, water and other precious natural resources - Lord, hear us.
3. For those who find life really hard, whether here at home, or in Third World countries. Through our prayers and practical help, lighten their load and case their burden of debt - Lord, hear us.
4. For our young people at school, college or university, and for young couples setting out on their life's journey. Give them the grace, support and confidence they need to realise that You will always be with them on that journey - Lord, hear us.
5. For ourselves. Through the grace of baptism and the other sacraments, may we become more active in Your service and grow in faith and love of You, and those around us - Lord, hear us.
6. We pray for those who have come to the end of their life here on this earth: Antony Ward, Elizabeth Brown, Daniel Stobo, Rebecca Coughlin, Stephen Connor, Anne O'Connor, Sr. Elizabeth O'Hagan, together with those whose anniversaries we call to mind: Molly Toland, Mary Toland, Jimmy McIntyre, George McGuiness, Mary Power and John Leach. May they now enjoy the peace of Your Kingdom - Lord, hear us.