21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Josh 24: 1-2, 15-18;    Eph 5, 21-32; John 6: 60-69

In today's first reading. it's crunch time: the Israelites arc summoned to make a decision. As they finally enter the Promised Land after their period of slavery in Egypt, after years of wandering in the desert, they arc presented with the choice of whom they want to serve: the one true God, or a multiplicity of pagan gods.

In the Gospel, it's crunch time for the disciples as well. Up till n w, they had been learning about Jesus; now they must decide whether or not to follow Him. The disciples had witnessed many "signs" as St. John calls them - the feedi_ng of the five thousand, walking on water, the giving of His Oesh and blood - time to decide, time to choose!

For some, it's a step too far .. the challenge seems too great. but as always, Peter steps up to the mark almost shrugging his shoulders, and makes the co:mection between all that he's seen and heard as he asks, ''Where else would we go?"

Jesus gave His disciples a choice. He knew His would be a hard act to follow; no one would find it easy to imitate His willingness to give His all both to His Father, and for His people. He presents us with the same choice. where do we stand? There will always be times when things don't make sense, when there's the temptation to tum away from God, when we're hurt, angry, burdened or even scandalised. But however difficult the journey of life and the way of discipleship may be at times, there's the constant call to reflect on God's goodness, and to keep making positive choices for Christ and travel with Him, following Him no matter where, committed to listening to His words and acting upon them.

As in marriage both partners are called to sustain each other and depend upon each other trustfully, we. all of us, arc called to enter into the same son of relationship with Him.  It will never be simple and completely straightforward. The first flush of romantic love or the enthusiasm of the new convert will pass and, please God, will be replaced by a deeper and more mature love. That love has no end, it's eternal. Because our God, is the light of the world, the Bread of Life, Jesus offers us the message of eternal life. Where else can we go?


22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time