
Periodically the Bishops' Conference produce a bulletin to keep us up to date with Safeguarding Matters nationally.
The latest edition for June 2022 is available click here

Introducing In God’s Image v2 (IGIv2)
A good way to become familiar with the contents of IGIv2 is to watch this video which lasts 18 minutes: Click here

 Safeguarding Statement to Parish 2022
The Bishops’ Conference has stated that ‘the Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well being ofeach individual person within God’s purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults who are involved in whatever capacity with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults’.

Pope Francis has asked that our families are made aware that they have every right to expect that they are safe and secure in ‘Our Father’s House’.  

As part of our commitment to Safeguarding, it is vitally important that we remember those who have been harmed or abused either by a member of the Church, members of their family or any other person. It is asked of us that we pray and care about them. In 2019, the Bishops of Scotland established an annual Day of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse and individuals and communities who are affected by abuse.  This Day of Prayer is to be marked each year on the Friday following Ash Wednesday. This year the Day of Prayer falls on the 4th of March. This day allows the Church to renew its apology to anyone who has suffered and to stress its commitment to the essential work of safeguarding across our parish communities. In the parish of St Joseph’s we will be marking this day of prayer

The Archdiocese of Glasgow is fully committed to Safeguarding as an integral part of life in the Church. Both the Archdiocese and our parish embrace the special responsibility we have for all children, young people and vulnerable adults who are part of our faith community. In our website and on our notice boards there is a poster/information which highlights our Safeguarding manual and has contact details for the Parish, the Parish Safeguarding Coordinator(s) and the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.  Please make contact with them or the Parish Priest if you have any concerns regarding the abuse or harm of any child, young person or vulnerable adult.

Safeguarding in our parish is with us in all aspects of our living faith.  Each year, as Parish Priest, Parish Safeguarding Coordinators and volunteers, we commit ourselves to these principles and to renewing and improving our practice.  We adhere to the protocols and procedures laid out by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland in the document In God’s Image. These procedures, and the vigilance of those involved in the life of the parish, helps us to ensure that everyone should feel safe when they come to Mass, services, groups or social events. 

We welcome Archbishop Nolan who has demonstrated his commitment to safeguarding in Galloway Diocese and together, all of us involved in Safeguarding within the Archdiocese, are grateful for all the hard work done by all our Parish Priests, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators and our Parish volunteers.

  • Safeguarding is the shared responsibility of everyone to ensure the safety and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults. It is also about ensuring the professional and safe behaviour of everyone who has a duty of care within our Catholic communities, whether ordained or lay, and whether in a paid or voluntary position. Safeguarding is not only a way to respond to harm but must be proactive in the prevention of any form of abuse or harm.

  • Safeguarding is a duty that is rooted in the message of Jesus and in the mission of the Church.

    The Catholic Church in Scotland aspires to the highest standards with regard to the care and protection of children and vulnerable adults, and actively promotes justice for, and provides assistance to, those who have been abused.

    • We are committed to respecting, protecting and nurturing the dignity of all people.

    • We are determined that the Catholic Church in Scotland will offer a safe place in all Church premises and activities, and with all Church personnel.

    • We are committed to improving the culture of our Safeguarding approach in order to rebuild trust and confidence in the ways in which we ensure that children and vulnerable adults are kept safe.

    Our Safeguarding approaches - led by each Bishop and Major Superior, and delivered by clergy, Religious, Safeguarding personnel, and lay people, in every parish community, Religious Institute and Catholic organisation - are designed to protect and heal, to safeguard and nurture, all who have contact with Catholic faith communities across Scotland.

  • As part of our commitment to Safeguarding, it is vitally important that we remember those who have been harmed or abused either by a member of the Church, members of their family or any other person.

    It is asked of us that we pray and care about them. In 2019, the Bishops of Scotland established an annual Day of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse and individuals and communities who are affected by abuse. This Day of Prayer is to be marked each year on the Friday following Ash Wednesday.

    This day allows the Church to renew its apology to anyone who has suffered and to stress its commitment to the essential work of safeguarding across our parish communities. In the parish of St Joseph’s, we mark this day of prayer with a short prayer service.

  • To contact the Safeguarding Administrator Team:

    Caterina O’Connor MA(Hons), CQSW, Dip Child Protection, DipTraining Practice
    Part Time Mon-Thurs
    Email: caterina.o’

    Archdiocese of Glasgow
    196 Clyde Street
    Glasgow G1 4JY

    Tel: 0141 226 5898


    To contact the Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator in St Joseph’s:

    Brenda Docherty
    Tel: 07580 114 701
