
Working with other churches for Christian Unity

  • Ecumenism means ‘Doing what we can do – together’. The Catholic Church regards Ecumenism as integral to its work and life. As Catholics, in our work at parish, deanery and archdiocesan levels, we should all be asking what might we be able to do together with our neighbouring churches.

    At present there are 53 parishes with Ecumenical Representatives, covering all Deaneries of the Archdiocese.

  • Our parish Ecumenical Representative is Teresa Costello.

  • At a local level, there are a number of Ecumenical activities, including:

    • Christinan Unity Week

    • Clergy Groups

    • Scripture Reflection Groups during Lent and Advent

    • Walk of Witness on Palm Sunday or Good Friday

  • For further information please contact the Ecumenical Commission Archdiocese of Glasgow:

    You might also find the following websites useful:

    Glasgow Churches Together:

    Action of Churches Together:

    Churches Together in Britain and Ireland:


Ecumenical Prayer

O God, Trinity of love,
from the profound communion of your divine life,
pour out upon us a torrent of fraternal love.
Grant us the love reflected in the actions of Jesus,
in his family of Nazareth, and in the
early Christian community.

Grant that we Christians may live the Gospel,
discovering Christ in each human being,
recognizing him crucified in the sufferings of the abandoned and forgotten of our world,
and risen in each brother or sister who makes a new start.

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty,
reflected in all the peoples of the earth,
so that we may discover anew
that all are important and all are necessary,
different faces of the one humanity
that God so loves.


This ecumenical prayer for all Christians is from Pope Francis' encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti, which was published on 4 October 2020.