Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The children of the parish are invited to celebrate the Liturgy of The Word with their own catechists at Sunday morning Mass. Offering the children a Liturgy of The Word, which is suited to their age and adapted to their stage of development, can become one of the key ways of helping them grow in faith.

The children gather in the church and begin the Mass with everyone else. After the Sign of the Cross and the Greeting, the Priest calls the children forward, presents them with a Bible and the adult leaders process with the children to the “upper room”. The children come back into church at the offertory, where they display what they have done and then some of them take part in the Offertory procession.
This is not a closed group – all primary school age children in the church are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel reflection: What do you remember about the gospel reading that we heard today?  

Jesus, his mother Mary, and the disciples were at a wedding, where they ran out of wine. Mary asked Jesus to help and so he changed some water into wine so that the celebration could continue. How do you think that the servants must have felt when they saw that the water had turned into wine? It must have been very surprising for them. And for the bride and bridegroom who were told that they had saved the best wine for last.

What do you think the word “miracle” means? When we don’t know how something happens, and we know it can only have been done by God, we call it a miracle. Turning the water into wine is the first miracle that Jesus performs. Can you think of any others? (feeding the 5,000, healing people etc)

Why do you think he performed this miracle, turning the water into wine? What does it tell us about him? The miracle shows us how special and important Jesus is. It shows us that he is the Son of God and that he can do anything. While we cannot work miracles, we can make real changes that make a difference to our own lives and the lives of others.

What changes do you think we can make to help build a fairer world, so that all people have what they need to live happy, healthy and peaceful lives? It could be raising money for a charity like CAFOD which helps people who are poor around the world, or it can be by letting our leaders know that we want them to take action to protect our world or to bring peace. Or you might have your own ideas too!


Through seeing Jesus’ miracle the disciples believed in him. Through our actions we hope that others will see that we believe in Jesus too.

Parents, grandparents and guardians, please feel free to share today’s Gospel with your children and grandchildren alongside the activities.

Look below for fun colouring pages and puzzles

  • Fill in the Blanks

    Click the button below to download and print this week’s word shape.

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Click the button below to download and print this week’s crossword puzzle.

  • Colouring Sheet

    Click the button below to download and print this week’s colouring sheet.

  • Word Search

    Click the button below to download and print this week’s word search.

  • Multiple Choice

    Click the button below to download and print this week’s quiz.