Welcome to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Cumbernauld

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, invites us to reflect on Jesus’ teachings and the transformative power of God’s love. In this Gospel, Jesus speaks of the beatitudes, offering blessings to those who are poor, hungry, and persecuted, showing the paradox of God’s kingdom where the humble and merciful are exalted. He also brings healing to those in need, demonstrating God's deep compassion for the suffering. As we listen to these words, we are called to live lives of justice, mercy, and humility, and to trust that God's love will transform our lives and the world.

Mass Times

Weekday Masses: 10.00am every morning

Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil 5.00pm & Sunday 11.00am

Confessions: Saturday 4.15 -4.40pm by arrangement here

We, the parishioners of St. Joseph’s Cumbernauld, following the example of our Patron and Protector, believe that each member is called to ownership, discipleship, and evangelisation to our parish and local community.

The parish is a community of God’s people centered on the word of God and the Eucharist:

  • where all seek to be loving and caring, welcoming, forgiving, serving and healing;

  • where the poor can go for help, the lonely for company and the sorrowing for comfort;

  • where, with obedience to our own faith and respect for other faiths, we seek unity with all;

  • where, in a spirit of mission, we aim to promote God’s glory throughout the world;

  • where there is a passion for justice and peace;

  • where, as stewards of creation, we care and protect the environment locally and globally; and,

  • where Christ is the way and the truth and the life.

We do all of this as members of the Catholic community within the
Archdiocese of Glasgow and the universal Church.

News and Updates
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

ARCHBISHOP’S VISIT - The Archbishop has postponed his visit to allow us time to fix the sound system

JUBILEE YEAR EVENING OF REFLECTION - Sr. Denise will offer an evening in the hall on Thursdaay 27th February beginning at 7pm

MASS OF ENROLMENT FOR P3 - is on Sunday 9th March at 11am Mass

SACRAMENT OF FIRST CONFESSION - will be at 1.30pm on Wednesday 12th March

COURAGE TO BE CATHOLIC - Aid to the church in need “Courage to be Catholic” Saturday 29th Mrch, 9.30am - 4pm. Glasgow Roray Concert Hall. Hear from inspiring speakers. https://www.trybooking.com/uk/EHSR

LADIES NIGHT - Curch Haa, Friday 21st March 7.30pm - 10pm. Tickets £5 BYOB

MEN OF ST JOSEPH - This is a prayer fellowship open to men 18 and over. They meet for Lectio Divina and Rosary 1st Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Ogilvie Center - 25 Rose St., Glasgow, G3 6RE. Email: themosj.scotland@gmail.com

YOUTH EVENTS - Please have a look at the various youth events listed on the Archdiocesan Youth website www.rcagyouth.co.uk